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Post-doctoral scientist on silver ores and numismatics / Closed application SILVER is a five-year Advanced ERC project that started in October 2017 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Lyon under the supervision of Francis Albarède. Silver was the primary metal of economic exchange and military finances in ancient Mediterranean [...]
Post-doctoral scientist on Historiography of ancient coin metal analyses / Closed application We are pleased to announce that 3 post-doc positions will soon be on offer at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Lyon) as part of the ERC Advanced project 741454: "Silver Isotopes and the Rise of Money (SILVER)" (2017-2022). SILVER is a five-year [...]
Post-doctoral researcher on isotope geochemistry of silver ores SILVER is a five-year Advanced ERC project to start in October 2017 at the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) of Lyon under the supervision of Francis Albarede. Silver was the primary metal of economic exchange and military finances in ancient Mediterranean and Near-Eastern [...]
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